Security / Compliance

Common Cyber Security Mistakes To Avoid

By / February 7, 2020

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Not Updating Devices

Many times, people and organizations forget, or simply ignore device updates. The excuses are numerous. Some users don’t want any changes with the custom device settings, other people simply don’t like the updated versions. However, most updates, whether from the device manufacturers, the OS, or the apps, address one or more security vulnerabilities. Avoiding updates for devices (PCs, smartphones, or any other gadget) is a big mistake that everyone should avoid.

Using public WIFI

Public WiFi serves as a safe haven for cybercriminals. Often unsecured, the data transferred over public networks remain visible and accessible to hackers. Whatever information people enter while using public WiFi, is potentially exposed to cyber criminals. Using public WIFI should always be considered as the last option to connect to the internet. Better options, especially in business, are to use LTE, 5G, Satellite, and password protected WIFI subscriptions.

Not backing up data

Considering the rise in ransomware attacks, this is the most devastating mistake. Though individual users or organizations may employ various security measures to prevent ransomware attacks, none of the methods ensure fool-proof security. Instead of losing valuable information and potentially ending up paying a small fortune to criminals, it is critical to backup all data regularly to the cloud. That way, in an unfortunate instance of data loss, a business can more easily recover.

Relying on just antivirus for security

Having a robust antivirus installed on the device is a requisite for online security. But, considering it an all-round security solution is a mistake. Antivirus isn't a fool-proof catch-all, even for known viruses and trojans. And if new malware surfaces online, the antivirus may also not detect it. The recent wave of xHelper malware targeting Android devices is a classic example of this blunder. Since xHelper was new, it remained undetected by most antimalware tools. Consequently, it successfully targeted tens of thousands of Android phones globally, before antivirus software started detecting it.

Not treating your own organization or your customer organizations as a target

The "it won't happen to me" attitude can be easy to adopt if it hasn't happened to you. Don't ever rule yourself or your customers out from being a target. Whether a small business owner, an entrepreneur, a corporate giant or a common user with no apparent influence, for cybercriminals, every internet user is a potential target.