Cloud Solutions

How the Cloud Drives Productivity for Both Management and Employees

By / January 8, 2019

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The Cloud has become a big buzzword in marketing, but it truly does signify a major leap forward for business. Before, all company data had to be stored on local servers. If you wanted to work on company papers, you had to do so on a company computer in the office.

The Cloud has allowed for company data to be stored online instead which is more secure, easier to access, and has significant advantages for both employees and management.

By switching to running your business in the Cloud, you have the rare opportunity to make everyone happy. Here’s how.

How the Cloud Benefits Employees

Once your company switches to working in the Cloud, your employees will have an easier time navigating their tools, be able to work from anywhere, and less likely to encounter issues.

Once your company switches to working in the Cloud, your employees will have an easier time navigating their tools, be able to work from anywhere, and less likely to encounter issues.

Instead of having to navigate through several apps and files types, if you use a Cloud platform for work such as G Suite, you’ll simply open up your web browser and be able to find every tool you need. All your files will live in Google Drive and can be shared with a click. Multiple people can even work on files at once. No more passing around an Excel file. This holds true for Office 365 as well. No more passing around files.

Since you log in through a web browser, you’re not tied to working in your office. Remote working options are suddenly available. Work from home to keep an eye on the kids or while on the road.

If you’re worried about still being acknowledged for your hard work if you’re not in the office, the Cloud helps with that too. Apps like Prodoscore can be used to report and log productivity, so you know management understands that you can work from home without a dip in work being done.

The constant security and performance updates mean that you’re less likely to experience technical issues. Nothing worse than your service being down to stop you from doing all your work. With the Cloud, you avoid common technical difficulties and troubleshooting.

How the Cloud Benefits Management

The Cloud also highly benefits management. It makes it easier to enforce regulations, manage productivity, and use data for improved decision making.

The Cloud also highly benefits management. It makes it easier to enforce regulations, manage productivity, and use data for improved decision making.

Instead of needing to update and change preferences on each individual computer, you can use the Cloud to push updates and preferences to every employee instantly. You’re guaranteed that everyone fits your security standards without having to check each workstation.

Using the Cloud for work also allows for better productivity monitoring and automation. Big CRMs like Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics 365 can help automate tasks while tools like Prodoscore can give a daily look at everyone’s productivity, so you can proactively coach and help any employees that are having difficulties.

Finally, because you have access to all of your Cloud data, you’re able to make smarter decisions. You’ll see revenue and sales pipelines update in real time. No more waiting for someone to get you the report you need. Depending on your needs, there are all kinds of reporting that can be set up to give you a 360 degree look into your business.

No Matter Your Role, the Cloud Benefits You

Whether you’re a new employee fresh out of college or a manager who has been guiding the company for years, having your company work in the Cloud means an improvement to your daily work. Everything from better security to remote work options is on the table with Cloud tools.

There’s a reason everyone keeps talking about the Cloud.